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Visa Services

Domestic Helper

Domestic Helper with Driving Duties | HK$5,000​​​

Domestic Helper (Indian or Nepali) | HK$3,500​​​

Domestic Helper (Filipino) | HK$6,000​​​

Caregiver (Filipino) | HK$5,000



Dependent Visa

Parents | HK$3,500


Children | HK$3,500


Spouse | HK$3,500


Study / Residence

Certificate of Entitlement | TBD


Study Visa | HK$10,000


Imported Workers

Care Workers for Residential Care Homes | TBD​​


Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme | TBD

Sector-specific Labour Importation | TBD


​Talent Admission

Immigration Arrangements for Graduates | TBD

Admission for 2nd Gen of HKID holders | TBD

Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents | TBD


Technology Talent Admission Scheme | TBD


Quality Migrant Admission Scheme | TBD

​​General Employment Policy (GEP) | TBD

Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) | TBD


Chef Visa | HK$10,000


Investment / Training / Other Employment

New Capital Investment Entrant  Scheme | TBD

Mainland Fisherman Deckhands | TBD


Investment as Entrepreneurs | TBD


Working Holiday | TBD


Training | TBD


Visit Visas from Hong Kong

Tourist Visa - India, Pakistan | HK$2,000


Assistance with USA Visa | HK$7,500


Dubai Visa | HK$6,000


UK Visa | HK$7,500


Visit Visas to Hong Kong

Help Centre (Hong Kong)

+852 5575 9182

Shop 50D, Chungking Mansions, 36–44 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Shop 50D, 香港九龍尖沙咀彌敦道36-44號

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